Are You Happy At Work?

By Bernard Callus on 17 July 2019

Are you satisfied and fulfilled at work? Over the past week I’ve met several people that aren’t satisfied in their job. My vision is a world where people are happy and fulfilled by their work and as Simon Sinek says “we have a world where people love their job.” To delve a bit deeper here are some pertinent questions we can ask ourself.

Am I healthy?

Poor health and sickness may indicate your work situation is not ideal. High stress, poor or toxic culture will affect your health. It may be you are suited to the role but not your environment. I remember reading “people don’t leave bad jobs, they leave bad bosses.”

Do I enjoy what I do?

Being good at something may lead us to a particular line of work. However, over time the enjoyment may dwindle because we become bored in the role and are no longer being stretched. New challenges are required to stimulate interest and growth and keep our enjoyment levels up.

Am I part of a team?

Being part of team, especially a high-performing team is very rewarding. The achievements and outcomes of working in a team far exceed those of an individual. Collaboration and teamwork requires trust to work together. Knowing you are not alone and that someone has your back feels supportive and gives us extra confidence to perform.

Do I have positive, life-giving relationships?

Are my colleagues just people I spend time with at work? Do I have any interest in their lives outside of work? Do I care about them? Do they care about me? Do I forget about them as soon as I leave for home? We spend a lot of time at work and working in a culture where people don’t take an interest or care for each other is not life-giving and at worst, lonely, depressing and soul destroying.

Am I leaving a legacy?

At home our kids and families are our legacies. Our legacy at work could be any number of things. It could be the culture we established, or the processes we implemented, or better yet it’s the people and the prodigies we influence, train and leave behind when we go. As a scientist a large part of my legacy was to train the next generation of scientists. What legacy do you want to leave?

Is my work purpose-driven?

Our purpose brings meaning and fulfilment to our lives. Ideally, our work and purpose are aligned. When our work is purpose-filled a whole new, deeper level of fulfilment and satisfaction is attained. What is your purpose? Is your work fulfilling you or is it merely a means to earn an income?

How you answered these simple questions will largely determine whether you are happy, satisfied and fulfilled at work. If you answered YES to all or most of them, fantastic. However, if you answered NO to all or most of them, perhaps it’s time to take informed action to change your job. Fear is a powerful deterrent that stops us from taking action. The question is do you have the courage to take this step and unfold a whole new satisfying career and life?